Home > 研究実績 > 学会報告 > 2011年(平成23年)


  • 市戸義久、今純子、大栄秀和、中村幸雄、谷水直樹、三高俊広。「肝前駆細胞移植治療におけるレシピエントラット肝再生機序の解析」(シンポジウム2 肝再生の制御機構)第18回肝細胞研究会、2011年6月24日、東京ガーデンパレス、東京、プログラム・抄録集p33
  • Tanimizu N, Mitaka T. Differentiation potential of cholangiocytes. Liver Down Under: Liver development, diseases & regeneration. Nov 28-Dec 2, 2011, Perth, Australia (Oral presentation, Nov29)
  • Ichinohe N, Tanimizu N, Ooe H, Kon J, Mitaka T. Restricted differentiation of hepatic stem/progenitor cells isolated from d-galactosamine-treated rat livers. Liver Down Under: Liver development, diseases & regeneration. Nov 28-Dec 2, 2011, Perth, Australia (Oral presentation, Nov 29)
  • Nakamura Y, Mizuguchi T, Ooe H, Kawamoto K, Meguro M, Ota S, Mitaka T, Hirata K. Hepatic Progenitor Cell Transplantation for Improving Survival after Liver Resection of Rat Non-alcoholic Steatocirrhotic Liver Model. 7th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Quick shot oral presentation, Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 14-16, 2012.

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