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  • 三高俊広、市戸義久.「細胞移植と肝再生:動物モデルからの考察」ワークショップ2 臨床応用を視野に入れた肝再生研究の新たな展開.第50回日本肝臓学会総会、2014年5月29日、ホテルニューオータニ、東京、Kanzo vol.55 Supplement(1) p A77
  • Naoki Tanimizu Toshihiro Mitaka. Molecular mechanisms defining the lineage plasticity of cholangiocytes. (Oral & Poster) 2014 FASEB Summer Research Conference, July 6~11, 2014, Keystone Lodge, Keystone, CO, USA
  • Kikkawa Y, Miwa T, Tanimizu N, Kadoya Y, Ogawa T, Katagiri F, Hozumi K, Nomizu M, Mizuguchi T, Hirata K, Mitaka T. Soluble Lutheran glycoprotein/basal cell adhesion molecule is detectable in plasma of hepatocellular carcinoma patients and modulates cellular interaction with laminin-511 in vitro. American Society for Matrix Biology Biennial Meeting 2014, 13 Oct. 2014, Marriott Key center, Cleveland, USA
  • Tanimizu N, Nishikawa Y, Mitaka T. International Session (Symposium) 1 “Lineage plasticity of cholangiocytes and hepatocytes in liver regeneration. “(Oral) in Stem cells in liver regeneration and therapy: Present and future scope. 第18回日本肝臓学会大会、2014年10月23日、ポートピアホテル、神戸、Kanzo, vol 55. Supplement (2), p A502

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